Standard Field Trip

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Welcome to Standard Field Trip

Service Description

1 hour in the gym with a Tumbles’ coach: $60.00 Each additional coach: $35.00 Each additional hour: $35.00 (per coach) We offer field trips to classrooms and teams for a more educational styled event! Kids can have fun in our gym, while learning all about what their bodies can do! From safety to learning about equipment and tricks, we have a safe place for your little ones! Please contact the office to request a personalized field trip for your class today! NO ONE OVER 18 ALLOWED IN GYM AREA OR ON EQUIPMENT!

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please notify Tumbles 24 hours in advance! Thank you!

Enroll Your Child!

Unlock your child’s athletic potential. Enroll them at Tumbles Athletic Center now for a brighter, more active future!